Frog Legs Dancing With A Little Salt

Frog Legs Dancing With A Little Salt

1. Go frog gigging. 2. Skin the frog legs. 3. Salt 'em up, let the magic begin. Don't worry, we ate them in the morning.
舌打ちwwしおちゃんこあーい(>_<)☆RT @co_salt: チッ… RT @mistuki06: のーさんきゅーRT @co_salt: つ【7RT】 RT @mistuki06: 7もいかんもん(^^)余裕 RT @co_salt ドヤァ… RT @mistuki06:

@Jonny_lyle salt *** lolol

RT @example: Only dickheads eat salted popcorn. Desperate dickheads with salt issues

RT @joezeen: @BigBroAfrica what is Roki eating?it needs lot of salt.#BigBroAfrica #StarGame

RT @example: Only dickheads eat salted popcorn. Desperate dickheads with salt issues

@Iridescentx3 not cold 100plus + salt. Jangan makan nasi. Makan bubur. lol. Minum banyak air. If not, mati. lol.

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