上海灘十三太保- Shanghai 13 (1984)

上海灘十三太保- Shanghai 13 (1984)

For more videos www.youtube.com Jimmy Wang Yu...........................Black Hat Ti Lung..........................................The dock boss Chiang Sheng..............................Ping An, the Smoker Chen Kuan-Tai.............................Shin Danny Lee Sau-Yin.....................Black Sniper David Chiang Da-Wei.................Wanderer Yip Chi Kuan-Chun............................Leopard Wong Chung................................Laundry owner Chan Sing.....................................Black Eagle Lu Feng.........................................Tiger Ricky Cheng Tien-Chi.................Dagger Leung Kar-Yan.............................Millionaire Andy Lau Tak-Wah.......................Student Summary*** Black Hat (Wang Yu) helps Mr. Gau acquire an important document. Mr. Gau's safety is now at stakes. He comes to Shanghai, where there are 13 masters. One of them, Mr. Shen (Chen Kuan Tai), is the first to be asked to protect Mr. Gau. He successfully outsmarts a sniper (Danny Lee) and sends another master, Smoker (Chiang Sheng), to protect Mr. Gau. The bad guys have already figured out where Mr. Gau will go, and the good guys are willing to sacrifice their lives for Mr. Gau. First, the bad guys kill Smoker; then Tiger (Lu Feng) kills laundry owner (Wang Chung), then a millionaire (Leung Kar Yan), then "The Student" (Andy Lau), who also kills Tiger. Next, Mr. Gau arrives at a club, where the owner (David Chiang) and his buddies duel the bad guys ("Leopard" Chi ...

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@asama_yoshito かわいーよね、上海

#nowplaying ♪ "明治十七年の上海アリス" by monochrome-coat on album "UN IVY" track 4

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