Motor Toon Grand Prix [モータートゥーングランプリ] Game Sample - Playstation
Original Air Date: December 20th, 2009 This is the FIRST Motor Toon Grand Prix game. Many are confused by this because the MTGP that North America received is also just called "Motor Toon Grand Prix". To clear up the confusion a bit, let's just say that Sony pulled a fast the same fashion that Squaresoft did with their Final Fantasy games in North America up until Final Fantasy VII. Of course, this isn't done so much to deceive people, rather, being the only Motor Toon game in the US, it seems logical to name it such. However, there is a reason why the first MTGP only stayed in sucked. Being developed by the people who would later develop the popular "Gran Turismo", MTGP looks pretty nice on the surface, especially for 1994, but the physics in the game really suck. Even though I didn't use them, The Penguin Bros. are easily the best driver (or Bolbox if hug walls for insane speed) and the other characters can struggle to place first, if you really care to do so. The game only has one powerup...that seems to do nothing but make your car harder to control...and to get it is the equivalent of winning the freaking lottery. I was kind enough to re-record the whole race five times before I got ONE. Basically, it seemed cool to run on foot as the character you are controlling because they are totally faster than a powered The place you start in on the tracks are even random...god, sometimes I'll be in like tenth place and other times, I might ...
軍司眞人 新・男樹3
1997年 『新・男樹』Part2 監督 ................ 小久保利巳 脚本 ................ 山崎晴哉 原作 ................ 本宮ひろ志 撮影 ................ 林淳一郎 出演 ................ 宮本大誠 岩城滉一 松田千奈 西岡徳馬 坂口良子 大沢逸美 軍司 眞人
李叔同,又名李息霜、李岸、李良,谱名文涛,幼名成蹊,学名广侯,字息霜,别号漱筒;祖籍浙江平湖,生于天津。中国话剧的开拓者之一,在音乐、书法、绘画和戏剧方面,都颇有造诣。从日本留学归国后,担任过教师、编辑之职,后剃度为僧,法名演音,号弘一,晚号晚晴老人。卒于福建省泉州市。 李筱楼是同治四年(1865年)乙丑科的进士,当过吏部主事,后辞官经商,先后创办了"桐达"等几家钱铺,挣得偌大一份家业,被人称为"桐达李家"。尤其难能可贵的是,他乐善好施,设立义塾(提供免费教育),创立"备济社",专事赈恤贫寒孤寡之人,施舍衣食棺木,有"李善人"的口碑。李筱楼晚年喜好内典(佛经),尤其耽爱禅。很显然,他的言传身教对儿辈(尤其是李叔同)影响极大。童年时,李叔同常见僧人来家中诵经和拜忏,即与年纪相仿的侄儿李圣章以床罩做袈裟,扮成和尚,口诵佛号。他儿时的教育在很大程度上得益于一位姓刘的乳母,她常教李叔同背诵《名贤集》中的格言诗,如"高头白马万两金,不是亲来强求亲。一朝马死黄金尽,亲者如同陌路人"。虽只有八九岁光景,他居然能理解荣华尽头是悲哀的意思,悟性已赶上了二十岁的贾宝玉。李叔同五岁失怙(父亲去世),十八岁时遵奉母命与俞氏(津门茶商之女)结婚。百日维新时,他赞同康、梁"老大中华非变法无以图存"的主张,曾私刻一印:"南海康君是吾师"。因此在当局者眼中李叔同乃是不折不扣的逆党中人,他被迫携眷奉母,避祸于沪上。1901年入南洋公学,受业于蔡元培。但由于校内新旧思想相争激烈,校方禁止学生阅读莫部分杂志、报纸,激起学生的愤怒,与校方发生了冲突,蔡元培先生站在学生一边据理力争,但无效果,于是带领学生和积极教师毅然离开南洋公学,李叔同也在离开的学生之中。1905年东渡日本留学,在东京美术学校攻油画,同时学习音乐,并与留日的曾孝谷、欧阳 ...