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Crest of the Stars - ENDING (Lafiel version)

Crest of the Stars - ENDING (Lafiel version)

This is the Lafiel version ending to the anime series Crest of the Stars(星界の紋章 / Seikai no Monshou) Crest of the Stars and Banner of the Stars (series I and II) follow Jinto Lynn (aka Ghintec Linn), a young noble whose world was taken over by a once human race of space inhabitants known as the Abh. When Jinto was a young boy, his father, Rock Lynn, under threat of invasion, handed over their world, Martine, to the Abh in exchange for a position within Abh nobility. The story of Crest of the Stars picks up as he meets the young, strong yet fragile Abh princess, Lafiel (aka Lamhirh). As Lafiel and Jinto travel to military school they become caught in the beginnings of the war between the Abh Empire & the Four Nations Alliance of humankind... Lucanaoe's NOTES: Young blossoming romance, submarine style spaceship battles, and cute elfen space princesses. Think "Wonder Years" minus the narration meets "Star Wars episode 3.5" meets "Laputa Castle in the Sky." This series/manga is not very well known due to it's cherishing pace & mature(but not explicit) nature. Make no mistake, it is an original story with excellent direction that brings subtle yet nostalgic memories of childhood. This is a thought provoking space saga with Japan-meets-West historical undertones. There's no animosity, gore, Emo-rage, overly-narrated action-moves, loss of innocense, dramedy, or psychadelic colors, so teenagers, you've been warned. Artist: TimeSlip Rendezvous Song: Ushinawareta Aozora (The ...
075: 夢の樹が接げたなら(森岡浩之/ハヤカワ文庫JA/SF 短編集) 科学技術の発展により言語が自由に学習できるようになった未来。言語デザイナーの主人公は、偶然、人類のものとはまったく構造が違う言語とめぐりあう。


075: 夢の樹が接げたなら(森岡浩之/ハヤカワ文庫JA/SF 短編集) 科学技術の発展により言語が自由に学習できるようになった未来。言語デザイナーの主人公は、偶然、人類のものとはまったく構造が違う言語とめぐりあう。

075: 夢の樹が接げたなら(森岡浩之/ハヤカワ文庫JA/SF 短編集) 科学技術の発展により言語が自由に学習できるようになった未来。言語デザイナーの主人公は、偶然、人類のものとはまったく構造が違う言語とめぐりあう。

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