Kuhlau, Friedrich:ロッシーニの主題による変奏曲
Trois Sonates non dificiles Op.60-2 Taro Wakasa 8 years old(2007.2) 若佐太郎 8歳 小学2年(2007.2)による演奏The 30th Ptna piano competition '3rd place(Bronze medal)'. The 2th Kitamoto piano Competition '1st place'
【UTAU ORIGINAL SONG】 Fabular Show TONIGHT★ 【TATARI・甘美音流行・霧音ツバキ】
EDIT: The nico video is here! www.nicovideo.jp EDIT 2: Romaji lyrics are now available here: scarfu.deviantart.com Please mylist and comment and let's see if we can get into the rankings~ :D ALRIGHT EVERYONE HERE COMES SCARFU WITH ANOTHER ORIGINAL and oh my god this PV is SO lame ohhhhhhhhhh my god orz I had it imagined SO much cooler in my head but laziness happened. XD I've been working on this PV for like a week though so I'm just like NOTCARING.JPG so pardon the 1) timing mistakes 2) sizing mistakes 3) terribad choppy 3 frame "animations" - not even good enough to call them this XDDD 4) whatever other derp may stumble upon your path as you watch this atrocity. Also idk how the quality is gonna be considering I had to rerending it in WMM because the vegas quality was RIDICULOUS (three hours. THREE HOURS to upload this. No. XD) ... fff it sounds like the sound quality got destroyed orz Listen to the mp3 for full quality!!! I've always wanted to release a new voicebank with an original song, but honestly releasing TATARI's act2 with an original wasn't something I was really planning on. XD I just got the inspiration to write this song out of nowhere and it actually started turning out pretty well, and since I was in the process of recording his act2 anyway, I was like, hey, why the hell not? Also corny as shit title but I'm sooooooo bad at titles... XD It was Sozoku's voicer who came up with the title of JANUS... XD ANYWHO, It seems like the entire POPLOID family has ...
根こそぎ竹田先生 仙骨麻酔にてVASER
脂肪吸引を施行。湘南美容外科・脂肪吸引患者数ダントツ・ナンバー1!!ドクター。根こそぎ竹田先生の術中動画です。 仙骨麻酔にてお尻の脂肪吸引を行いました。麻酔科医にとっては非常に簡単な手技の仙骨麻酔。S領域にも効果があり、かなり有用な麻酔法だと思うのですが、この仙骨麻酔を使用して脂肪吸引をする美容外科医はほとんどいないのが現状です。