[SUB!] Lightning Legend - Mayu Perfect Run 4/4
[SUB!] Lightning Legend - Mayu Perfect Run 4/4

Part 4 of 4 of a No Continues Run with Mayu Uzaka, in Lightning Legend: Daigo no Daibouken, on PS1. Mayu has found at last the big bad behind all the troubles in the Kingdom of Japone, and the stealer of the Sakitama Jewel, the Demon King Dragless. It's final battle time! And, just after Mayu's happy ending, come the bonus bosses of the game, Girigiri Oyaji and KOJ, who wish to test your strength! I played this run specifically so I can meet them and unlock them (you need to complete your run without using any Continues to get to them, and in KOJ's case, you also need to accumulate one hour's worth of playtime). -------------- I'm playing this run under the following settings: * Character: Mayu Uzaka. * Story Mode * No Continues (I was playing for fighting and unlocking the bonus bosses along the way) * Default settings (Level 1 Difficulty, Match of 2 winning rounds, 60 seconds Timer). The video is subbed in English by yours truly! Enjoy, everyone! ;)
@kotaleo イーアルカンフー、ギャラクティックウォリアーズ、マーシャルチャンピオン、ドラグーンマイト、ファイティング武術、バトルトライスト、ライトニングレジェンド、武戯、究極戦隊ダダンダーン(対戦格闘に入れていいのかわからないけど)。以上…
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