ショパンコンクール第1位 ユリアンナ・アヴデーエワ

"I Like It Like That" by Hot Chelle Rae Covered by Megan and Liz
You can now get it on iTunes :D :D bit.ly Happy 2012 guyssss! :D We love Hot Chelle Rae and their new album. We also loved meeting them when we played the Jingle Ball Pre-Show last month. They're such cool guys. :) Hope you like this song as much as we do... xoxo M&L Also - make sure to check out our next original "Old School Love" that comes out on iTunes TONIGHT! So excitedd :D :D iTUNES :) itunes.apple.com BEAUTY CHANNEL! :) www.youtube.com FACEBOOK! :) www.facebook.com TWITTER! :) twitter.com www.twitter.com www.twitter.com TUMBLR! :) officialmeganandliz.tumblr.com http elizabethmorganmace.tumblr.com FORMSPRING! formspring.com WE LOVE YOU GUYS TO PLUTO BACK! :) xoxo - Megan Liz

砂のお城 Suna no Oshiro TV Sized - Fandub
*Disclaimer: I claim no rights to this video but my voice. This is just made for fun, not profit. No copyright infringement is intended!!! ©樋野まつり・白泉社 / 「ヴァンパイア騎士」製作委員会©分島花音 / Mana I finally got the guts to try this song! Though I don't think my voice is in a good condition these days ><(Redo again sometime?) Well, for certain people this might not be really hard, but I love it too much that I'm afraid to disappoint myself. :p I definitely will do the full version. Before that I need to do some research for those whisper in Japanese!! (I have the full version pure music XD That means I will need to do harmonies myself too.) Thanks to Nessa's Still Doll cover(?), cuz your cover let me fall in love with VK, and discovered many amazing things XDD *I made the karaoke myself XD It's already been uploaded on another account.

世界に感動を与えたレイ・チャールズ--彼は、生きることの素晴らしさを教えてくれた7才で両目の光を失ったレ イ・チャールズ。ピアノの音色に魅せられた少年は盲学校を卒業するとためらうことなく音楽家の道を進む。とびきりの才能はまたたく間に人々を魅了し、レ コード会社との契約も舞い込んだ。レコードは次々にヒットし、美しい妻や子供にも恵まれ、彼はスター街道を邁進する。だがそれと時を同じくして、人生の古 傷を癒すためのドラッグ使用が多くなりはじめるレイ。それは周辺の人間関係にも影響を及ぼし、レイの人生に最大の危機が訪れる---!

AC/DC : The Razors Edge 1990
AC/DC 1990 The Razors Edge 01:Thunderstruck 02:Fire Your Guns 03:Moneytalks ||04:The Razors Edge|| 05:Mistress For Christmas 06:Rock Your Heart Out 07:Are You Ready 08: Got You By The Balls 09:Shot Of Love 10:Lets Make It 11:Goodbye And Good Riddance To Bad Luck 12:If You Dare There's fighting on the left and marching on the right Don't look up in the sky, you're gonna die of fright Here comes the razor's edge You're living on the edge, don't know wrong from right They're breathing down your neck You're running out of lives And here comes the razor's edge Here comes the razor's edge The razor's edge Razor's edge, to raise the dead Razor's edge, to cut to shreds To raise the dead Here comes the razor's edge Here comes the razor's edge Well here it comes to cut to shreds The razor's edge The razor's edge Gotta razor's edge You'll be cut to shreds by the razor's edge Gotta razor's edge

コイケヤポテトチップスCM 「勇気編」スペシャルロングバージョン
放課後に、教室のベランダから校庭を眺めているコイケ先生と、真面目そうな女子生徒。どこか元気がない女子生徒を励まそうと、コイケ先生は「リッチコンソメ」を差し出しながら語りかけます。 「若者はもっと自由でいいんだよ。」 コイケ先生のユニークな教育指導をお楽しみ下さい。