Kansas - Dust In the Wind

Kansas - Dust In the Wind

Filmed in 1977 by my dad, this music video nearly became "dust in the wind" until it was restored from its failing 8mm format.
Having to entertain Arkansas and Purple Kansas' band and spirit groups at Main Event tonight is too hard of work!

RT @dshep14: I just prank called a guy from Kansas for my boy @M1keD1xonJR now if I could get him to hit that #follow button or #RT

@JBANKS_13 cotton bowl bruh. Ark V kansas state RT

lmfao , so i guess i live in Kansas Shitty , Misery . but you know what ? its ook . I love my city !

Kansas. Wow its too nice out!

@xNadinx86 I live in the boondocks country! Lol. In other words.. Kansas haha

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