Kyushu J7W1 Shinden
The Shinden or Magnificent Lightning was designed to be Japan´s first jet powered fighter. Three prototypes were built before the war ended and only three flights (all gear down) were made. The prototypes were equipped with piston engines because the jet engines that Germany tried to export to Japan never reached its destination. The Shinden was a canard design with the horisontal stabilizers in front and the engine in the back in a pusher configuration. The plane was very different from other fighters of that periode, but compared to modern fighters it looks like the japanese engineers were on to something This Kyushu J7W1 Shinden model was designed and built for the RC-Groups first Build Off competition. More details about the model can be found in this build thread at RC Groups: ATTENTION! This is not the Shinden model that a person who calls himself Uncle Willies is selling plans for. The Shinden in the video was designed by Michael Hammer and no plans have yet been published.
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3/6 司法を考える会「普天間交渉秘録」の著者 守屋武昌元防衛次官(抜粋)
「普天間」交渉秘録 [単行本] 守屋 武昌 (著) 新潮社(この本を読むと何故守屋氏を排除する必要が有ったのかという状況証拠が実感として理解出来る。米国・日本外務省・防衛庁[途中から防衛省に昇格]・利権政治家・沖縄県や市など自治体の首長など「守屋氏が邪魔だ」と考えていた人に囲まれていたと言う事のようだ。) 月刊日本9月号特集:普天間問題の真相・守屋武昌氏記事「利権に振り回された普天間問題」も参照下さい。 2010年8月18日